Does anyone really understand the underdog? I mean where do
they come from, who do they think they are, and what goes through their minds?
Don’t they know they cannot possibly win?
Don’t they hear the people laughing
at them behind their backs? “You’re too small, to slow, too young, too old.”
They say. They don’t have the education, the skill set, or the financial backing.
People constantly tell them stop reading those stories of Elisha, David, Deborah,
and Esther. Stop believing you can do all things when you have yet to do
Does anyone really understand the underdog? No and why should
they. Underdogs don’t seek to be understood, they strive to take action that transforms
one’s consciousness. They rarely slow down to explain themselves and be
accepted but instead they speed up so not to be caught by the status quo of
mediocrity. They don’t waste much time sharing their goals as much as they
inspire us to have our own.
That is what makes an underdog.
Here is to you. The Underdog. The champion in the making,
the fighter in the fight, the victorious one before the first swing, the ones
who dare when others say don’t.
We may not get you but we sure as hell want to.
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